Category: Pool

  • What you have to do after a pool closing

    Our pool was professionally closed today. I do the opening myself, but I don’t have a simple way to empty the pool (quickly) or blow out the water pipes. So I pay to get it done, and it always frustrates me seeing the mess the “professionals” make of the job. Originally published in October 2019. […]

  • Looking after your swimming pool – just skimming the surface

    Keeping a swimming pool healthy depends on many things: water chemistry, cleaning, and filtration are possibly the ones most people obsess over, and skimming is often an afterthought. So that’s what this post is about – the skimmer basket and pump basket. Not the most exciting part maybe, but looking after them can save a […]

  • How I clean pool filter cartridges

    Removing the filter I’m not going to dwell on this too much, because every filter system is different. The general steps are to turn off the pump, release the pressure, release the strap that holds the top to the bottom, remove the top and get the cartridges out. Refer to your manual! The one tip […]

  • Fixing a drippy Jandy pool valve

    About three years ago, we had the chlorinator changed in our swimming pool equipment. Naturally, it didn’t fit in the existing piping, so a whole bunch of plumbing was ripped out and replaced. One day I’ll write about that experience, but that isn’t for today. Today I’m telling the story of the useless pool valve […]